Own It! 220 | Abraham - Hicks And The Path Of Least Resistance

Published: March 29, 2019, 7 a.m.

After years of struggle, attempts and control, hard work and driving business results, how does this translate suddenly into ease and flow and vibe, even to the extent of both N&J channeling writing, downloading words and ideas in abundance, and allowing wonderful opportunities and synchronicity into both of their lives that make them both exclaim in wonder? How do you decide when to push and when to allow?


In The Show

Nicola is enjoying her stay in Sydney with her brother Alex; the ferries, the zoo, a Japanese restaurant, meeting two chaps from America, speaking at a coaching and leadership event with 70+ attendees, a mani-pedi and more treats.

Judith has organised a roof over her house-sitting head all the way through until 2nd July. She’s delighted to have been asked by Lisa Warner of Fink Cards to add 7 more questions to her list of 43 about money and she’ll have a full set.

She’s noticing she’s feeling some marketing fatigue and is even thinking of NOT sending out a newsletter this week, even after having written it. She’s being guided by vibe and intuition, and experimenting too.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola is totally inspired about her writing. She’s reading and writing scripts and doing some more study, including Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass.

Judith’s loving the Own It! podcast right now. There’s a new (7th) Patreon in Sharon Gaskin, and the influx of new members to the free companion Facebook Group enables community building, getting to know the listeners and invite them on as guests, and creates dialogues and relationships with listeners all around the world, even a potential new client this week for Judith from the podcast.


Focus Of The Week

After years of struggle, attempts and control, hard work and driving business results, how does this translate suddenly into ease and flow and vibe, even to the extent of both N&J channeling writing, downloading words and ideas in abundance, and allowing wonderful opportunities and synchronicity into both of their lives that make them both exclaim in wonder?

How do you decide when to push and when to allow? This discussion is the first of several as they are right at the beginning of their journey with the Abraham-Hicks work.


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Over-Stimulated and Judith picks Miracle.


Project Updates

Nicola has written a pilot 6-episode TV series and submitted it to two production companies plus offered it up for a professional paid critique. She’s working on project #2, which is a 90-minute feature film.

Judith’s pushing on with the Worthing estate agents and tomorrow will visit them with her passport (KYC).


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola loves Irini, the Greek lady on MasterChef for the way she’s educating viewers about the beauties of Greek food. And Judith loves Gareth Malone for his two TV shows about the school at the foot of the Grenfell Tower.


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