Own It! 212 | How to Hire a Coach

Published: Feb. 1, 2019, 7 a.m.

What criteria do you use to hire a coach? How do you think your clients hire you? How do you wish your clients would hire you? Nicola Cairncross and Judith Morgan discuss all this and more!


In The Show

Nicola’s return journey to Stoupa was far less stressful than her outward one, although it did end with a rather “interesting” taxi ride. She’s pleased to be back in her peaceful, clean and tidy home. She’s had a breakthrough in her new VA plan and is hiring a project manager for a month to handle it for her.

Judith tells Nicola about last week’s Cashflow game and what she learned from the day’s events, including very easy travel thanks to Waze and how to kill a couple of early morning hours in Chiswick!


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Following on from last week’s show about pro blogging, Judith updates Nicola with her discoveries and plan to niche blog on matters esoteric. Nicola’s been to a Write Club meeting and taught the members about the Story Grid, and she also talks about her own new book Attract 3.0. She’s had a second breakthrough this week, in her creative sci-fi writing after completing Module 1 of her Curtis Brown writing course.


Focus Of The Week

  1. What criteria do Nicola and Judith use when they hire a coach?
  2. How do they think their clients hire them?
  3. How do they wish their clients would hire them?

Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Questions and Judith picks Solo.


Project Updates

Nicola’s really pleased with the big upswing in her traffic results as an excellent outcome of her daily videos. And Judith has committed to and completed her second writing Monday, one cheat post and one about her three favourite astrologers. She explains her logic for that and is testing, testing, testing.


Who Or What's Impressed

Judith was impressed by this week’s hard-working Russian cleaning lady who swept the entire house with a stiff brush when the hoover didn’t work, and Nicola explains the spooky coincidences which led to her discovering a sci-fi literary festival called Cymera in Edinburgh and she interviews the founder Ann Landmann who crowdfunded it to get it launched.


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