Own It! 211 | Successful Pro Blogging

Published: Jan. 25, 2019, 7 a.m.

Both Nicola’s sister Sarah Cairncross and Judith are interested in creating a living from successful pro blogging. Nicola shares some interesting stories, articles, interviews, facts and figures and Judith tries to work out whether it is something she could do or pay to have done for her.


In The Show

Nicola is delighted with her new phone, and she’s celebrated by buying a coat because there is snow in Greece! She’s been out to lunch with Pete in Brighton and enjoyed a meeting of minds at the Hotel du Vin, albeit a disappointing fish stew. Judith has enjoyed a really nice client week with at least one reporting an early win; a £5k contract.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

A particularly interesting man booked himself into Judith’s diary this week and she talks about how this stretched her. Nicola is travelling back to Greece tomorrow and is slightly overwhelmed by how much study she has to do with The Story Grid,  Andre Chaperon and her new Curtis Brown course has now arrived too.


Focus Of The Week

Both Nicola’s sister Sarah and Judith are interested in creating a living from successful pro blogging. Nicola shares some interesting stories, articles, interviews, facts and figures and Judith tries to work out whether it is something she could do or pay to have done for her, and which business models would lend themselves to the latter option.

Nicola talks about Pat Flynn and Yaro Starak and Jeni Hott and niche sites with high traffic which are monetised with Adsense. Judith proposes that in 2019 Patreon might be another way to be paid for content writing and creation.


Nicola’s interview with Jeni Hott, Million Dollar Blogger
How to make $100,000 a year with blogging
How to make $3,000 a month with blogging
How just 365 blog posts or fewer are all you need to become a successful blogger
Six membership based business models on Patreon


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Catch-up and Judith picks Frowst.


Project Updates

Nicola’s encountered a glitch with her new passion project website and she and Judith discuss
effective workarounds. She’s found a shining specimen or two for her new VA. Judith turned up in her new role of writer on Monday as promised and created and published two rather ordinary blog posts, but it was a start. Commitment made and met.


Who Or What's Impressed

Judith was moved by Andy Murray’s tearful interview in Melbourne and Nicola has enjoyed Ben Fogle’s TV show New Lives in the Wild.


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