Own It! 209 | 2019: Planning for a New Year

Published: Jan. 11, 2019, 7 a.m.

How do you go about New Year resolutions/intentions? What methods do you use? Judith shares two resources she’s discovered and Nicola’s whittled her plans down to just three...


In The Show

Nicola describes her mammoth journey home to the UK for Christmas and tells Judith why she’s still here. Her Christmas was nice, her step-father joined the family for the day, she’s caught up with friends including Kim who she’s helping with Facebook Ads, and she and Phoebe have been for Reiki treatments.

Judith enjoyed her family on Christmas Day too and then visits from friends on 27th and 28th December. She completed the 21 Day tapping challenge and she’s been thinking about how she wants to show up in her business and in her writing in 2019.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith received lots of lovely unsolicited testimonials which she found very encouraging, including one about the podcast which she shared with Nicola during the show. Nicola’s been studying with Andre Chaperon, specifically his new course Lean Business for Creators which is about service not selling.


Focus Of The Week

How do you go about New Year resolutions/intentions? What methods do you use? What systems have Nicola and Judith used? Judith shares two resources she’s discovered and enjoyed and which have provoked lots of New Year-type thinking and Nicola’s whittled her plans down to just three; Clicks And Leads Academy, her new passion project and her own sci-fi creative writing.

Do share your plans for 2019 in the Own It! Facebook Group – free to join.


Words Of The Week

Nicola chooses Family (good) and Judith picks Tapping.


Project Updates

During the break, Nicola has launched WritingClubWorld.com and was thrilled to be on Bing within 24 hours and attracting writers from all over the world. She’s describing it as her passion project but Judith goes as far as to say that she thinks this could be The One, given how people are so much more interested in what they want right now - their lives and their hobbies and passions - as compared to what they need.

Unusually Judith has also launched something new for her clients in 2019 – Crazy Bespoke. She noticed that she was offering clients the opportunity to buy either a year or an hour, so she thought she’d introduce something in between and invited them to get in touch and describe their bespoke needs, their brief and their budget, so she can quote accordingly.


Who Or What's Impressed

Nicola is very definitely not impressed with her relatively new iPhone but she loved Luther and she IS impressed with Phoebe’s health plans for Dry January and her taking exercise daily.

Judith is also impressed by her family, specifically her brother who has lost 12kg low carbing and had a new strategy for keeping the peace on Christmas Day.


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