Own It! 206 | Rhys Morgan: Podcasting from Scratch

Published: Dec. 7, 2018, 7 a.m.

Rhys Morgan (no relation) was once a vicar. He is also a recovering alcoholic who is five years sober. He talks about how and why he got going with his Social Good Podcast and how his next venture will be about helping others to get and stay sober.


In The Show

Nicola’s frustrated by some changes with Gmail, and she describes a sense of restlessness which has got her talking about an IRL job (!) and reading Daltons Weekly with a view to buying and selling businesses. Judith’s also frustrated; her challenge is with CreateSpace in regard to her book published on Amazon.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith’s handwriting challenge led within a week to her rediscovering a schoolgirl love of poetry which she is copying out instead of journaling her own thoughts, which was never the point of the exercise.

Nicola’s daily one-minute videos are going great guns and achieving interesting results at LinkedIn and Twitter but confusing ones at Facebook, so far.


Focus of the Week

Rhys Morgan (no relation) was once a vicar. He is also a recovering alcoholic who is five years sober. He talks about how and why he got going with his Social Good Podcast and how his next venture will be about helping others to get and stay sober with a companion podcast offering inspiration from those who have done just that.

Rhys shares with Nicola and Judith his love of the romance of radio from a very young lad and how his experiences in this life have led him to become a force for good.

Connect with Rhys at his website SocialGoodPodcast.com and on Twitter.


Words of the Week

Nicola chooses Cocooning and Judith picks Hard.


Project Updates

Nicola talks about what she learned from Andre Chaperon’s Auto Responder Madness and explains why she’s invested in his latest product which is about identifying your ideal client and creating a product just for them. She mentions homework which involves Seth Godin’s podcast called Akimbo and his latest book which is called This Is Marketing.


Who or What’s Impressed?

This week it is Nicola’s turn to enjoy The Kominsky Method, starring Michael Douglas, on Netflix. This provokes a discussion about canned laughter on comedy shows and whether or not it is a thing of the past. Judith appreciates Rhys.


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