Own It! 205 | Does Your Schedule Reflect Your Values?

Published: Nov. 30, 2018, 7 a.m.

Robin Sharma says; “Show me your schedule and I’ll show you your values” and this got Judith and Nicola thinking about creating space for creative thought, creative thinking and creative output.


In The Show

Temperatures are down in Stoupa and Nicola talks of winter tavernas, wood-burning stoves and the chimney sweep. Judith’s been to a funeral and received news of a second death. It’s not all death and dying, but there is a small trend in that direction it seems.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith’s been shopping to buy a notebook and pen with which to begin some handwriting practice. She can see the opportunity for improving all the skills she’s lost through deliberately bringing them back into her life including walking, sleeping, singing and playing the piano. All require regular practice.

Nicola is in her third week of creating daily videos and she’s encouraged by the results. She went to a Twitter lesson and could see her profile stats were 54% up on the previous week. Her Vzine is back on track and she has a few in the can thanks to Sarah’s scheduling and this allows her to feel relaxed and that she’s doing “enough”.


Focus of the Week

Robin Sharma says; “Show me your schedule and I’ll show you your values” and this got Judith and Nicola thinking about creating space for creative thought, creative thinking and creative output.

Are we all addicted to busyness? Do we get a buzz out of being able to think of ourselves as efficient and productive? Have we lost the gentle art of doing nothing when we all know that genius comes when walking, swimming, driving and ironing.

Judith found this article on the Big Think pertinent to this topic and shared it with Nicola. Creativity and Distraction.


Words of the Week

Nicola chooses Cooking and Judith picks Humility.


Project Updates

Judith is glad she has no room for projects right now and Nicola has abandoned NaNoWriMo in favour of a writing course with Curtis Brown in January.


Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola likes The Fifth Season, Hugo Award winning sci-fi novel by N.K. Jemisin and Judith enjoys The Kominsky Method, starring Michael Douglas, on Netflix.


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