Own It! 204 | The Internet And Social Media – A Force For Good Or Evil?

Published: Nov. 23, 2018, 7 a.m.


Debating the pros and cons of the internet and social media, including friendships and the ability to create a living from anywhere in the world with WiFi. Judith Morgan and Nicola Cairncross ask - but at what cost?


In The Show

Nicola’s been making the ladies at Write Club laugh when she transposed America and Paris, and reading aloud in her French accent reminded them of Glaswegian! Her week has been creative and quiet and she’s been out to dinner a lot.

As Judith started to recover from the bug, she got going with sorting out her new home and two professional cleaners arrived to make it even more habitable. She got her Outlook fixed too so normal service is very nearly resumed.


What's Fuelled Their Fire?

Just when Judith was beginning to despair, two fabulous results came in from her Baggy Trousers Low Carb group and on the day she too was ready to go back to that way of eating after the bug and in a pre-Xmas health kick. She doesn’t think those two are a coincidence.

Nicola’s mentor has encouraged her to re-start her vzine and challenged her to make a daily one-minute video which she started to do herself in batches before deciding to outsource. Phoebe and Sarah are back in gainful employment.


Focus of the Week

Nicola and Judith debate the pros and cons of the internet and social media including friendships, clients the world over, the ability to create a living from anywhere in the world with WiFi, access to a wealth of information and much more.

But does it come at some cost and some risk to the old, the lonely and the vulnerable such as scamming, trolling, bullying and isolation?

Nicola believes the internet is what you choose and thinks it is 90% a force for good. Judith is uncharacteristically more downbeat than normal and would put it at only 50% or even 40% good.


Words of the Week

Nicola chooses Punctuation and Judith picks Discernment.


Project Updates

Judith can already feel she’s rolling downhill to Christmas but senses this is no bad thing after a hard year. Nicola’s hell-bent on a LinkedIn cull.


Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola likes Tom Riley in Dark Heart, a compelling watch. And Dalton Harris and Nile Rogers on X Factor. Judith caught Michael Buble on Graham Norton and tells of the songs and journey that led her on to YouTube.


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