Own It! 196 | Should I Grow My Business?

Published: Sept. 28, 2018, 7 a.m.

When is the right time / right circumstances to grow your business, if ever? Why would anyone do that? Which is better, working alone or with other people?

Nicola’s brother Alex has arrived from Sydney on a one-way ticket, thankfully he also has Berlin, Paris and the UK on his list of places to visit. Nicola has been busy editing this week. Some cricket videos firstly to help local friend Arthur Burgess who raises money for Mani firefighters by staging a cricket match on the beach. And Write Club podcasts have been recorded and edited all the way up to the end of October.

Judith is housesitting in Luton today and has been offered a six-month opportunity in suburban South London from November to April. She’s thinking of getting a mobile kit together of what she considers life’s essentials so she always has everything she needs whether or not she can find it in someone else’s house.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith has been reflecting on how some clients become forever friends, and also she is amazed to discover that she is working with one person who neither has a business or wants to go low carb. She is helping her to find a new job.

Nicola is happy to have received two new client enquiries this week, again from people she has known for a very long time. One would be on a retainer basis and the other a possible JV. The length of time these opportunities have taken to arrive at Nicola’s door prompts a discussion about magic wands and whether or not money happens overnight... No, generally it doesn’t!

Focus of the Week

These new leads put Nicola in mind of growing her team again. Her sister, Sarah, expressed surprise. This gave Judith and Nicola their topic of the week – when is the right time/right circumstances to grow your business, if ever? Why would anyone do that? Which is better, working alone or with other people?

Words of the Week

Nicola chooses Guts and Judith picks Friendship.

Project Updates

Judith’s clients have called on her this week for emotional support. She loves that best of all. Nicola’s been working on her book, is still thinking about the future of her vzine, and meanwhile continues to make good progress with Jane and Peter’s projects.

Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola talks about former England cricketer Alex Tudor and Judith introduces the listener to Jana Bakunina who funds female founders and had an article published this week in the Financial Times.

Thanks for listening!

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