Own It! 195 | Mental Wellbeing and Self Care

Published: Sept. 21, 2018, 7 a.m.

With so many creative people struggling and failing to manage their own mental wellbeing, how can entrepreneurs avoid burnout, dark thoughts and worse?

Nicola’s enjoying a brief moment between one lot of friends going and another house guest arriving, this time it is her brother from Australia. And who is the handsome young man on a motorbike who is trying to find her?

Judith’s getting organised for the first in a series of house-sits beginning tomorrow. Haircut, tick.
Pedicure, tick.
Full tank of gas, tick.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith was inspired and uplifted by the response to the return of the podcast last week. Nicola’s reviewing whether or not to get back into creating her weekly vzine. If not, how will she invite people into her marketing funnel?

Focus of the Week

With so many creative people struggling and failing to manage their own mental wellbeing, ourselves included at times, how can we as entrepreneurs look after ourselves to avoid burnout, dark thoughts and worse?

Words of the Week

Nicola chooses Re-Charge and Judith picks Treasure.

Project Updates

Nicola’s two big Done4You projects are ticking along nicely and her partner/clients are producing good video content for her to use. Own It! The Podcast download stats are back on track.

Judith has picked up the extra clients she wanted in her September Low Carb group but has struggled at times this week with how best to help some of her low carbers.

Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola has discovered Thrive Themes and is making nice websites for her clients and using Thrive Leads, Thrive Timers and Thrive Quiz. It costs $268 a year which is cheaper than her previous solution too.

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