Own It! 193 | Alice Sheridan: Criticism v Critique

Published: Sept. 7, 2018, 7:48 a.m.

Alice Sheridan is a London artist who now mentors other artists. In this podcast, she asks you to think about the distinction between criticism and critique

Nicola has been enjoying August on the beach, walking, diving, snorkelling, getting healthy and brown. She’s joined in with a series of writing sprints where you write 2500 words in a fast session. And she’s discovered YouWriteOn.com where you can drop in your writing and receive and give feedback to and from other writers.

Judith’s been housesitting for her brother in Surrey and totally overdoing it, she spent the rest of the month resting and healing and getting over the exertion of seeing friends in London in an intense week. She’s enjoyed three woo-woo consultations with a medium, a psychic and a homeopath and as the month progressed she eased into doing little and less.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith’s excited that the average donation for her Pay What You Want (PWYW) calls during August was £80, up from £60 at last reckoning. Nicola’s able to reveal that her current Done For You client is SecretArtOfHuna.com

Focus of the Week

Alice Sheridan is a London-based landscape artist who now also mentors other artists. She taught Nicola and Judith that people will judge art in 2.7 seconds – wow!

She asks the listener to think about the distinction between criticism and critique and to remember that we are often too close to our own creative work to see it ourselves and that when asking for feedback it is advisable to frame the question very carefully, not just to ask people what they think, ‘cos then they tell you!

Any tiny hint can be helpful even if all it does is help you work out what you think/feel as the artist.

Words of the Week

Nicola goes for Wood (seasoned) and Judith picks Autodidact.

Project Updates

Nicola’s new big client has caused her to decide to move to ThriveCart, and Judith’s September Low Carb group is off to a flying start.

Who or What’s Impressed?

Sam Blake’s books about Cathy Connolly, starting with Little Bones. And Robert Redford who is retiring from acting (but not directing) aged 80.

Thanks for listening!

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