Own It! 189 | Boundaries Revisited

Published: July 13, 2018, 7 a.m.

What Do Boundaries Feel Like? That’s the question posted by The Psychology Babes on Facebook and debated by Nicola and Judith in today’s show.

In the Show

The UK heatwave continues, England win a penalty shootout against Colombia. Judith’s been blitzing the bathroom, the neighbours bring round high-carb gifts and there’s a potential long-term house sit. Nicola and Sarah have their children visiting, and they organised a surprise party for Steph which involved Nicola getting overheated making pasta bake for 40 guests.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola’s running her July Clicks And Leads 21 Day Challenge and enjoying it. The group is smaller but more actively involved and her process is streamlined. She teaches Judith about how to archive a Facebook Group. Judith is working her way through a coaching-type book with Marion from which they feel they will both benefit as well as their respective clients.

Focus of the Week

What do boundaries feel like? Nicola has a cracking example to share based on her experiences this week with family staying. The discussion includes responsibility, anger, saying no, knowing we are enough and that it is OK to ask for respect for our feelings and for our own needs to be met.

Words of the Week

Judith picks Reading and Nicola chooses Family.

Project Updates

Judith’s decided to take August off this year and not write another book. Nicola and Judith are not podcasting in August either and Nicola is also taking a break from the Write Club podcast intending to do more beach “work”!

Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola: Rich Schefren is coming out of retirement and shares a video on Facebook
Judith: The NHS is 70 years old on the day of this recording (5 July 2018) but mostly she is impressed by Cristina Palma who was a guest on Own It! recently. She’s made worldwide news in getting the Court in Sofia (Bulgaria) to recognise the EU mobility of same-sex couples - scroll down to read it in English

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