Own It! 186 | Heather Waring: Peeing in the Wilderness

Published: June 22, 2018, 7 a.m.

Our guest today is Heather Waring who surprises us with her topic – peeing in the wilderness!

In the Show

Judith’s been under the weather with The Lurg and Nicola’s enjoying a surprise visit from her bestie, Kim.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola’s been finding 100% focus on one thing and reaping the rewards. Judith’s been converting three SEO leads from last week.

Focus of the Week

We thought Heather Waring was going to talk to Own It! about walking the Camino, the Pilgrims Way and the Great Wall of China because women walking and talking is her business, but she surprised Judith and Nicola by talking about peeing in the wild! Apparently many people, especially women of a certain age, are put off the longer walks by worrying about when they will find the next loo, but Heather teaches the listener how to pee in the wilderness and how to get over ourselves and discover how freeing that is! Judith remains unconvinced though much hilarity and common sense was enjoyed by all during Heather’s guest visit.

You can connect with Heather via her website, Facebook and Twitter

Words of the Week

Judith picks Optimism and Nicola chooses Surprises. Neither Nicola or Judith like surprises very much.

Project Updates

Nicola is forging ahead with Alexa Skills.

Who or What’s Impressed?

Ryan Levesque, James Schramko, Dean Jackson, Justin Brooke – all four of Nicola’s faves get a connected mention. Judith’s excited about two property-related business deals up for sale in her reality and talks Nicola through the maths and the ROI. And she raves about Germaine Greer on the BBC, aged 79.

Thanks for listening!

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