Own It! 185 | Toxic People

Published: June 15, 2018, 7 a.m.

What’s the best way to handle toxic people in your business and your life? Nicola Cairncross and Judith Morgan discuss this sensitive topic. 

In the Show

Judith continues to enjoy her weirdo trips to meet people, this week Cath and Kay. Nicola’s focusing on her creative writing with talk of agents, competitions, scholarships, writing critique and training for poetry as well as prose.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Nicola’s excited about Amazon Alexa Skills, especially since Amazon is effectively a very large voice-searchable database and search engine. Judith’s enjoying starting with new clients, finishing up with others, month-ending her own accounts, and recording the final handful of questions from her book onto Listen with Judith.

Focus of the Week

What do you do when people say “get rid of the toxic relationships in your life” especially if that person is a member of your family, a close friend or work colleague or even a business partner?

Words of the Week

Judith picks Research and Nicola chooses Audio Marketing.

Project Updates

K has finished her cross stitch pattern of Judith’s three sayings and it’s up for sale in her Etsy shop. Nicola’s opened her FB shop and shares a fabulous tip for those using FB Business Manager.

Who or What’s Impressed?

What Judith has discovered from Right Move which gave rise to her word of the week, and Nicola is enjoying both FutureLearn.com and Alexa Skills testing tool EchoSim.io for testing her new Alexa Skills ClicksAndLeads365.com

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