Own It! 178 | Mary Daniels: Normal People, Noble Causes

Published: April 27, 2018, 6 a.m.

Writer, coach, consultant and Wild Woman, Mary Daniels, is our guest this week. She talks
about the congruence between people/organisations with the vision to do good and create
change in the world and their values and behaviour.

In the Show…

Judith’s car has sailed through the MoT but she discovered some bad small business news down at the garage while she was there. She reflects on Twitter in the week of her 10th Twitterversary.

Nicola’s enjoyed another sociable week of dining out, Reading Club, Mothers’ Day pampering, ouzo and octopus and a birthday party. She has her eye on a chap who is both taciturn and saturnine and has his own boat AND his own taverna!

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Judith’s fire was fuelled by last Friday’s recording session with upcoming podcast guests 9-12 - Rhys, Richard, Alice and Paula. Nicola’s spoken to Justin Brooke about her Facebook Ads account suspension and he’s helped her to rationalise it unemotionally and to find the workaround.

Focus of the Week: Mary Daniels – Normal People, Noble Causes

Mary's talk is about the dangers of not knowing who you are and the congruence between people/organisations with the vision to do good and create change in the world with their values and behaviour.

Noble causes are served by perfectly normal human beings who behave in exceptional ways and this isn't limited to organisations either, it can apply to us working at home alone. Ask yourself about your daily habits:

  • Am I being true to who I am?
  • Would anyone looking in from the outside know that?
  • What compromises do I make, how do I let my values slip, how often do I evaluate that so I
    can bring myself back on track?

Mary’s first book is published by Hay House and called Wild Awakening, and she’s working
on her next. Find out more at MaryDaniels.co.uk

Words of the Week

Nicola picks Leisure and Judith goes for Dreams.

Project Updates

Own It! The Podcast’s download numbers continue to impress both Nicola and Judith and their best guess is that it is a second spike attributable to Radio Public who reward podcasters who send them traffic.

Nicola’s writing a sales letter, and her 30 Day Challenge people continue to get excellent results and ROI. One of them was also featured by Radio Public in their Indies to Watch spotlight.

Judith continues to make good progress with her Creating the Impossible Challenge, her Blogfest. Now all 52 blog posts are published and all 52 podcasts too.

Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola is impressed (again) by Iain Banks, having re-read The Wasp Factory in her Reading Club. Both Judith and Nicola had read it before but since it was published in 1984, neither of them can remember it!

Judith is impressed by three women – Sarah Sellers who finished second in the Boston Marathon,
Tammie Jo Shults the pilot who landed the South West Airlines plane which lost an engine mid-flight and Doreen Lawrence who never gave up hope of achieving justice for her son, Stephen.

Thanks for listening!

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