Own It! 176 | What Price Education?

Published: April 13, 2018, 7 a.m.

What price a university education in 2018 in an era when information is free? 

In the Show…

Judith moved house on Good Friday through biblical rain and initially it didn’t go well. Nicola also had trials over the Easter weekend - with her Facebook Ads account.

What’s Fuelled Their Fire?

Once Judith got back to work after the move and a day lost to a power cut, her fire was fuelled by a great consultation with a PWYW client which went really well and cheered her up to be able to be helpful again. She was also generously rewarded by the ideal client for her time and expertise.

Nicola’s found an alternative to her Affiliate Marketing Training product to which she likes to refer her clients at JV Zoo and it sorts out her problem in that they pay commissions immediately. 

FOCUS of the Week

What price a university education in 2018? The conversation is prompted by a post on Facebook by Erica Blair. It is a viewpoint both Nicola Cairncross and Judith Morgan share with Erica, also with the likes of Gary Vee and James Altucher. Now that information is free, why would you go into debt to acquire a tertiary education? Nicola and Judith are both lifelong learners and have also both paid for that learning. This conversation segues into what Nicola has learned this week about how to resolve her own FB Ads problem.

Words of the Week

Given their experiences this week, Nicola picks Patience and Judith goes for Adaptable.

Project Updates

Judith’s finished posting up all her 52 guest blogfest stories but still has the audio and the newsletters to do. She’s behind with the 90-day Creating the Impossible because her challenge proved a little bit more impossible than even she had anticipated! She’s had a gratifying flurry of book sales at Amazon over the bank holiday weekend with 10 print copies alone in 48 hours, plus some Kindle sales.

Nicola reports that Sarah has redirected our podcast home page to Radio Public and other changes arising, including whether and how to strip out the ads from previous popular shows to meet Radio Public’s monetisation rules. 

Who or What’s Impressed?

Nicola is impressed by a book called Get Account Back by Dan Henry, the $47 solution to her Facebook problem, and also by the Albanian cleaning ladies she sees spring cleaning the holiday properties near where she lives, in anticipation of the season. Judith’s been to visit a poorly friend and impressed by her recovery and other manifestations in her life which appear to be nothing short of miraculous.

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