151. Too Young? Too Old? Ageism at Work

Published: Jan. 28, 2021, 10 a.m.

b'At some point in your career, you may have been told you were "too young" for certain responsibilites or "too set in your ways" to learn something new. Unfortunately, ageism happens to people early in the careers and to those who have many years of experience.\\n\\nThis episode provides tips on what you can do if you\'re experiencing ageism at work, are concerned about it being an issue at some point, or if you\'re a people leader looking to create an inclusive team.\\n\\nYour One Bold Move: Your experience and energy that you bring to an organization is a value add, whether you\'ve been working for two years or twenty. Lead yourself accordingly and be informed on what to do if the organization doesn\'t recognize your worth.'