Iron Man Athlete and Founder Mark Sisson

Published: July 11, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'Today, American Fitness Author, Food Blogger, and former triathlete and Ironman competitor Mark Sisson joins Jeff On The Homefront.With roots in pre-med and a biology degree under his belt, Mark\\u2019s life has taken him through many aspects of the health and wellness market, leading to the creation of Primal Kitchen - an authentic, premium, and growing brand that offers health-conscious consumers the best possible choices for condiments, sauces, dressings and snacks.Mark and Jeff discuss the many turning points of Mark\\u2019s life leading him to where he is today, the importance of consistency in how you live your life, and Mark\\u2019s reluctance to give in to retirement at the age of 69.To learn more about Mark, head to'