How Our Guests Seek To Inspire Their Peers | Year In Review 2023

Published: Dec. 28, 2023, 1:32 p.m.

b'As we wrap up 2023, we couldn\'t be more grateful to those of you who have sacrificed your invaluable time by listening to our show. We seek to bring value into our listeners lives, and thoroughly enjoy doing so.If you\'re a regular listener, you may be aware that at the end of my show, I ask our guests one question, "If you had one sentence to make a positive impact on someone\'s life, what would that be". This brings out some of the most candid, impactful, and insightful comments from our guests.\\xa0In light of this, here is some of my favorites from this year.Once again, thank you for choosing On The Homefront. 2024 is going to be a great one.9oq9UK4XJfhCZgRBdldD'