The Power Of Small Financial Goals

Published: Aug. 2, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/small-financial-goals\\\\/#arve-youtube-m8mqdqynbca659a0b2d35656845603438","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/M8mqdqYnBcA?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nThere is power in having small financial goals that once achieved allow you to take stock and then decide on the next goal. In this episode I\'m joined by my wife Kelly and we discuss why big financial goals can actually be a bad idea and how a goal like baseline financial freedom can set you up for success.\\nResources Related To This Episode\\n2 Properties To Financial Freedom\\nTranscription:\\nHi Guys, Ryan here from on property and today I am joined by Kelly. Hey guys. And we wanted to talk about the power of small financial goals in your life. And this discussion kind of started when we\'re talking about the power of aiming for baseline financial freedom rather than extreme wealth, but then kind of evolved from there. So do you wanna kind of expand on this idea?\\n\\nWell, I always loved the idea of they\'re actually achievable as opposed to like these ginormous things that, well I certainly feel overwhelmed by goals that are just so far out there in the future and I love the ID that you can kind of set a goal that keeps you from just not being present in your life. Like you\'ve, you\'ve setting a goal that\'s like decades in the future. You\'re like, you\'re not going to look up for decades. Like you\'re not going to be present in your life until you achieve that goal after, if you hopefully achieve that goal and even then you\'re going to be that same person that you are when you said it.\\n\\nYup. And so really the revelation for us came, I had the goal that I wanted to be financially by 30 thing. I wanted to be a millionaire as well. It\'s definitely didn\'t. But I had that goal and head down, bum up for many years. We strived after that goal. I would work long hours, we still had kids and we\'ll still living life, but we kind of felt like will sleep walking through a bit of our life. And then we got to the point where it was like, okay, we don\'t really need to work anymore. We\'re not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but our bills are paid and our lifestyle is covered. And then we got to that point and took stock and we realized how unhappy you were.\\n\\nTotally. That was pretty crazy that time, wasn\'t it? Well then as well as, you know, we were different people when we set those goals and we\'ve probably set them for the wrong reasons, which is would be what a lot of people do because you\'re just young and you just think you idolize people that are already a decade ahead of you with what they\'ve got and they look like they have it altogether\\n\\nand you analyze the people on instagram and the people on Youtube who looked like they spend their lives flying in private jets and driving lamborghinis or amazing cars\\n\\nwrong with doing that. If you know, if you\'re, if that\'s what you want and that\'s nothing probably prep. Yeah. It\'s just being more realistic, isn\'t it? So that you\'re just not missing out on your life striving for a goal that you don\'t even necessarily want.\\n\\nYeah, so I think the big revelation for me was that when we hit that goal a couple of years ago and then I wasn\'t happy, I thought I would be happy when I achieve financial freedom and I wasn\'t. And it took us a journey of 18 months, two years to get to where we are now. We feel more comfortable in our lives and in our own skin and in our relationship.\\n\\nYep. Um, so much of that as well as like really just slowing your life down, isn\'t it? So if achieving small goals, you\'ve got time to achieve when you\'ve achieved the goal, you can stop, take stock, look around you and then set a new one and you can do that at intervals throughout your ...'