Rethinking Money (Ep498)

Published: April 5, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/rethinking-money-ep498\\\\/#arve-youtube-icfpwadnmui659a0b2dcbdff664182234","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/ICfPwadNmuI?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nA bit of a different episode where I share a process of discovery I am going through about the properties of money and how we can think about wealth and money differently.\\nTranscription:\\nHey everyone, a little bit of a different episode today we\'re going to be talking about rethinking money and what I mean by that. There\'s these times that I have in my life where I can feel this monumental shift happening in my mind and in the way that I think about things. Sometimes they hit me like a fricking truck and my mind just changes instantly like that. I see the whole world in a new different way. Other times it\'s a more slow progression to understand something that happens over the course of a period of months or even years until I get to a point where I see the world in a different way. I don\'t usually share those things until they\'re fully formed and I can express them. I\'m making an exception today because I want to talk about this idea of rethinking money and I want to start to express this and kind of take you guys along the journey with me so we can start to flesh this out.\\n\\nSo this is not going to be a fully formed thought. This may go all over the place. So you\'ve been prewarned bit of a different episode here, not specifically related to property, but specifically related to how we think about money and how that might affect the way that we invest, the way that we save, etc. If you don\'t know me, welcome. I\'m ryan. I run on dot a u. I help people find it an invest in positive cash flow properties and teach people about general property investing stuff. Help them build up their skills. Money management is something that I\'ve been working on lately, but this idea has been brewing on me that money is not what we think it is. So bear with me for this one. When we grow up or even throughout life, most of us just think of money as money is money, just like it just is in our life.\\n\\nLet me say, have I got some money here? Alright. So right now if you\'re watching the video, I\'m holding up a $10 note. If you\'re listening to the podcast, you can\'t see it, but it\'s there. All right. I\'m holding up an australian tyndall and note it\'s one of those new ones with the seethrough thing. They\'re really cool, but you grow up as kids and you realize that, okay, you need money to buy things. If I want to go to the corner store and buy an ice cream, then I\'m going to need some money to do it, and you grow up thinking $10 is $10. That\'s just what it is. It\'s money. It helps you buy things. That\'s what it is. You can hand it over to the man or the corner store. You can get your Ice cream and some change in return and we go through life just with that same idea that money has just always existed.\\n\\nIt\'s just always there. We use it everyday in our life, but we don\'t really think about what it means oR the properties of that money. So we think short. I\'d like to have more money, but we don\'t think about what money exactly is and how that affects the way we use money. So If I\'ve confused you, then welcome to my world where I\'m very confused as well, but I\'m working through this idea of what money is. So first, let\'s just admit that money is basically a construct that has been created by society in order so that we can do business with each other so it helps the world go round, that we can exchange value with each other and in the past or even today, money has been issued by the government of whichever country you\'re a part of. So if we really break it down, right?'