Listener Budgeting Tips: Roundup #1

Published: April 3, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/listener-budgeting-tips-roundup-1\\\\/#arve-youtube-u2jalkumwpe659a0b2dcfe3d013560929","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/u2JAlKUmwpE?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWith my goal to get better at budgeting I am reaching out to listeners for their tips. Here are some great tips from Nic on how he revolutionised his budgeting and savings.\\nTranscription:\\nHey guys, Ryan here from I help people find positive cashflow property and in this episode we are doing some listener budgeting tips, so this is a roundup of some of the tips that I\'ve received via email from listeners. It\'s going to be kind of short round up because I\'ve got one email, but it\'s quite a long email that we\'re going to go through and pull some tips from it, so hopefully this will help you guys as you may know if you\'ve been following. I am working on budgeting at the moment. It\'s something that I haven\'t worked on for a number of years that I need to get better at because I\'m trying to save and so I\'ve done a bunch of different episodes out there, one on my favorite favorite budgeting APP, which you should check out if you haven\'t already.\\n\\nAnd then there\'s also this one budgeting tips from two guys who hate budgeting. If you want to check that one out. I really liked that one. That one was with Ben Everingham. That was a lot of fun. So you\'ve got to own property. Don\'t conduct a u four dash four, nine six if you want to check out that one, but this budgeting tip today comes from a listener of the podcast and I\'ll just bring it up to right now. We\'re going to read through it together and then I\'m going to talk about where I\'m at and some of the things that I\'m thinking about and what I learned from this email as well. So listener budgeting tips ran up, number one. This is an email from nick, so nick, thank you for taking the time to email me. Really loved reading your email and now I\'m sharing it with everyone else, so it says, get a Ryan.\\n\\nLove your podcast man. Been listing for over a year now. The candid conversations about living within your means and seeing or hearing in my case, the growth that you\'ve gone through makes you feel more approachable than any other money finance property podcast. Keep it up, man. As this is one of my favorite listens. Well, let me just stop there and say thanks nick for those super kind words. That\'s exactly what I\'m going for. I listened to a lot of podcasts, watched a lot of youtube videos and stuff like that. I don\'t like it when the fake and they\'re hoity toity and all that sort of stuff. Trying to be super professional. I just want to be like we\'re sitting having a coffee together at a hipster coffee shop down the road, and so that\'s kind of the vibe that I\'m going for, so I really appreciate that that\'s coming through. And then you said Nice things like that because I want to feel like we have a relationship and that we can just talk normally talk candidly and so yeah, really excited to hear that. So Nick\'s saying money management is something that I\'ve recently started to take a little more seriously. I was forced to review my finances when I overstretch during a renovation and the bank wasn\'t forthcoming with the construction loan. My money management is now a combination of the property cash money smart system, which is attached. So we\'ll talk about that in a sec. Guys, Scott Paper, barefoot investor stuff, and my own twist. Now I do have the barefoot investor book,\\n\\nthe Barefoot Investor Book right here. Now this is the second email where I\'ve actually been recommended to read this, so I have started reading this and you know I\'m about. I haven\'t even folded it, but basically are right at the very start.'