How To Sell Your Property Without A Real Estate Agent

Published: April 28, 2016, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/how-to-sell-your-property-without-a-real-estate-agent\\\\/#arve-youtube-uobshsxfdsm659a0b2e54180157253090","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/uoBshsXFdSM?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nSelling your property yourself can save you thousands in agent commissions. Here\'s how to sell your property without a real estate agent.\\n\\nThere are a lot of people who sell their properties every single year without the use of a real estate agent and thus saving themselves quite a large commission.\\n\\nToday I have with me Daniel Baxter from He helps people sell their properties without a real estate agent and he is going to talk us through the pros and cons of doing that as well as the process on how to sell your property without a real estate agent.\\n\\nRyan: So hey Daniel, thanks for coming on today!\\n\\nDaniel: Hey Ryan, thanks for having me. I am really excited to be here today.\\n\\nRyan: So, let us talk first about why would people consider selling their property without the use of a real estate agent. Most people will sell their properties through a real estate agent, what is the benefit of selling your property without a real estate agent?\\n\\nDaniel: Well, the biggest benefit - I guess the reason why we have, it is not just I guess, managers that have come to us. We have investors, we have developers; I guess what we do and how we can help people can really work with anybody. So, the big one is obviously the commission savings. Agents, the way that they are charging people, obviously, the fees are huge. Property prices are increasing, obviously, so did these fees. And the truth is most of them are doing less than what they did years ago but they are still charging the same or if not more.\\n\\nRyan: And so what are the general fees that a real estate agent will charge someone to sell their property?\\n\\nDaniel: Well, it definitely varies throughout Australia. I mean the average probably, say in the metro area, is about 2%. But when we start moving out to rural areas and things like that, I have had clients with agents quoting anything up to 4.8% of the property price.\\n\\nRyan: Okay. So 2% of a $500,000 property is $10,000. Is that right?\\n\\nDaniel: Yes.\\n\\nRyan: And then a lot of agents as well will charge on top of that for advertising fees so you will be up for hundreds of dollars to list your property online, hundreds of dollars for a sign, hundreds of dollars for professional photos and stuff as well so you are kind of looking at an extra $1,000 or $2,000 or something in a lot of cases for advertising. Is that right?\\n\\nDaniel: Yes, easily. It is probably at least $2,000 to $3,000 most agents will put together for their marketing packages that they will suggest to people. But if you are looking at an auction campaign, a lot of agents love to talk everybody into an auction campaign. Some properties definitely suit that, a lot of them do not, but it tends to pay advertising so agents love it and a marketing campaign that can run anywhere between $4,000 to $10,000, easily.\\n\\nRyan: Oh wow. I did not realize auctions were so much more expensive than just selling your property regularly.\\n\\nDaniel: Yeah. It is a very aggressive marketing campaign and they like to use a lot of print. As soon as you use print, obviously the marketing costs just skyrocket.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah, and what is print media these days...\\n\\nDaniel: Well, to be honest I am really not a fan and I am happy to say that. Look, the statistics these days suggest that about 90% of buyers generated for property are coming online, so it does not really make sense to spend what might probably be $10,000 on print media what you might call paper magazines or your domain magazines and things ...'