Do You Need Capital Growth To Achieve Financial Freedom?

Published: June 10, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/do-you-need-capital-growth\\\\/#arve-youtube-ug9nnsccobg659a0b2d83a1a920073938","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/UG9nNScCOBg?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nSo many property gurus talk about capital growth as the only way to make money in property. I want to challenge that assumption today and ask the question "Do you even need capital growth to achieve financial freedom?"\\nResources Related To This Episode\\n2 Properties To Financial Freedom\\n4 Properties To Financial Freedom\\nTranscription:\\nDo you need capital growth in order to achieve financial freedom? Like do you actually need capital growth in order to be financially free? That\'s what I want to talk about in today\'s episode because so often we just think the only way to invest in property is to invest for capital growth purposes and we\'re going to negatively gear in order to achieve that. So I kind of want to challenge that assumption in you today and challenge how much you rely on capital growth and not saying don\'t go for capital growth. We love capital growth obviously, but just whether or not you need it. So let\'s look at that in today\'s episode. Hi. On Ryan from on-property dot com dot EU. I hope people invest in property and achieve financial freedom. And this topic has been on my mind ever since I recorded the two properties to financial freedom episode with Ben.\\n\\nActually ever since I had that idea because a lot of you might not know that the two properties to financial freedom strategy actually came about because we had a four properties to financial freedom strategy. So the four properties to financial freedom required you to purchase to capital growth properties in the beginning guys. Okay. I just got kicked out of the room because my kids came home from school. My daughter was upset because she was feeling a bit six. She\'s crying. So I\'m back up in my office now to finish it off. So as I was saying, the two properties to financial freedom came out of the idea and a strategy called the four properties to financial freedom where you\'re required to purchase to capital growth properties in the beginning. So to capital growth properties, purchased them first with the goal of them going up in value.\\n\\nObviously that\'s capital growth, right? And then you purchase to cashflow properties, so houses that you then build granny flats on. So you\'ve got four incomes coming in. So the whole goal of this for property strategy was you buy the two capital growth properties and those capital growth properties, you sell them and then you pay off the cash flow properties. And so then you have cashflow properties that are completely paid off and you\'ve now achieved financial freedom. Okay? So you require that capital growth in order to achieve financial freedom in the period that you want. Now, the thought that I had when I was out surfing was that all, my gosh, the only purpose of the capital growth properties and the only purpose of the capital growth is to pay off the debt on the cashflow properties, but the cashflow properties will pay themselves off anyway because they\'re positive cashflow and because you\'re going to pay them off over time anyway, so you don\'t actually need the capital growth in order to become financially free.\\n\\nSo let\'s explore that idea of how cashflow can deliver you financial freedom. So in that two properties to financial freedom strategy, you purchase two properties and build to granny flats on each of those properties and you get a rental income of above seven percent on those properties. Over time, that rental income is going to go up as well. You\'re going to pay off those properties over time. But the exciting thing about those properties is when you buy them and bu...'