Do We Love or Hate Credit Cards?

Published: Nov. 1, 2018, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/love-or-hate-credit-cards\\\\/#arve-youtube-pnm7yvcg7oe659a0b2d15a58806183929","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/pnM7YvcG7oE?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nCredit cards are everywhere and most people have one. Do we love or hate credit cards and why? We reveal our opinions in this episode.\\nTranscription:\\nCredit Card, some people love them, some people who absolutely hate them. In this episode we want to talk about our beliefs and our stances on credit cards, whether we have them, whether we like them, whether we think people should use them and all that sorta good stuff. So what\'s your stance on credit cards? Do you have any give out them. You know what my stance is probably like I\'m not a credit card guy, I\'m the reason I\'m not a credit card guys because when I was 19 years of age I saved some money and went to Europe for three months with my mates and the bank before I went gave me this magic card which I didn\'t understand and I ended up spending $12,000 on it. I\'ve a chance and came back in at that time. This was before like get on the zero percent interest for two years or whatever rollover that they\'re doing now.\\n\\nAnd it was Kinda like 20 percent interest I think, or 22 percent interest. It took me six full months of working after I came back at that time because I was working at a shitty librarian job to pay the bloody thing off. Yeah. And it kind of, I think that that sort of experience scars you for life. That\'s why I had a similar experience to that as well as always working as a casual, a news agency slash pharmacy and I had these two weeks where I worked like excessive amounts, like 60 hour weeks, two weeks in a row. Okay. So I just took in those payslips and they gave me a five grade even though generally out in the work, like two days a week. And so I ended up putting my honeymoon on that credit card as well as some other things combined with my wife\'s 10 grand car loan plus her.\\n\\nSo we started out marriage at I was 20, she was 22 and we were 20, 40 grand at 20 grand, so 10 grand of credit card debt, 10 grand of personal loan and yeah, that took us years to pay off and like we got a bit of help from my mom as well in order to get out of that. So it was so easy to get into the debt and it was so difficult to get out of it that it kind of scarred me. And then I think the next time we got a credit card we got a $1,000 credit card. We just had a $1,000 limit which got up to two grand, you know, a few years later. And it\'s kind of stayed there. I had a $1,000 credit card actually after when I bought my first property, they threw one in because obviously they want to get everyone\'s spending and it had a $1,000 limit.\\n\\nThey told me that if I increase the limit to 20 grand, I get three points for every dollar that I spent. And at that time I thought points for a cool thing, so I increased the limit to 20 k, I never actually spent much money on it and ended up getting enough points every couple of years to get afraid, Gopro. And then I can the credit card, like it was a silly thing of all. I probably spent like alternate 100 grand over two years and all sorts of expenses and now that\'s untrue. I don\'t know what I spent. That sounds like a lot funny. I\'ll tell you 1:50 grand a year. That time I was spending $100 on my credit card. But was it like. It seemed like I\'d spent a lot of money to get a full $100. Toilet Gopro now probably getting wholesale for 200 bucks a pop.\\n\\nAnd that\'s the thing I think credit cards if used correctly. There\'s some people out there who are amazing with credit cards. I have this friend who now lives overseas, but he was a treasurer and so he just lived in excel like he loves excel spreadsheets,'