Alternative Ways Of Thinking About Financial Freedom

Published: March 6, 2016, 2 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/alternative-ways-of-thinking-about-financial-freedom\\\\/#arve-youtube-p2i24cykqmo659a0b2e81406641440321","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/p2I24CyKqMo?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\nMany people get stuck thinking about financial freedom in a non-productive way. Here are some alternative ways to think about financial freedom.\\n\\nToday, I wanted to talk about some alternative ways of thinking about financial freedom and kind of poke the box of what we think financial freedom needs to mean for us and what the ideal lifestyle needs to mean for us. I used to be in the basket of the person who thought that in order to be happy, in order to feel successful in life, I needed to be extremely rich. And I would set goals for myself like, \\u201cThis year, I\'m going to make a million dollars.\\u201d and I had in my mind that if I made a million dollars, then I would be successful and I would be happy. And if you\'re thinking that way, then look, that\'s absolutely fine. A lot of us go through that phase.\\n\\nA lot of people always want that, but there are some alternative ways of thinking about financial freedom that I just want to challenge you a bit with today to start thinking about,\\xa0okay, what is really important in my life? What do I really care about and what do I really want?\\n\\nLet me take you back a few years. I think it was October 2010, so it was about 5 years ago and I\'m just going to bring it up. If you go ahead and Google "why I will be financially free in 5 years" let\'s see if I come up. Okay, should come up. If not, you can just search for "Ryan McLean" as well. This is a post that I wrote 5 or 6 years ago now.\\n\\nIt\'s a very cocky post that I wrote when I was... How old was I? I must have been 21 when I wrote this, so maybe it was more than 5 years ago. I have the crazy dream ambition to become financially free in 5 years. So I planned on being able to retire by the time I\'m 26. So, I\'m 28 now. So, this was probably 6.5 years ago that I wrote this.\\n\\nBasically, I go through this post and I talk about why I\'m going to be financially free. Why I\'m so awesome and it\'s actually quite embarrassing to read through this, but I think what\'s really valuable is at the end; point number 7, I talked about one of the reasons I\'m going to be financially free is I know my "Why". And there\'s this one sentence where I wrote:\\xa0So I can have as much free time as I want to spend with my family. And so I can have a platform for which to speak into people\'s lives.\\xa0And at the time, and still now, those are probably the 2 most important things to me.\\n\\nThey\'re my family, being able to spend time with my family. Being able to see my kids grow up, being able to be a part of that. I had a stay-at-home dad when I was a kid and he was really involved in me and my sister\'s life. And that\'s something that I wanted to emulate and something that I wanted to do as well.\\n\\nAnd then, also, I wanted to, I guess, do some good in the world and I really love communicating, I really love speaking. And so, I wanted to be able to have a positive impact in people\'s lives. So, back 6.5 years ago, I thought about this. And then, when the 5 years came around, I wrote an updated post on how I\'m not currently financially free, but looking back, I realised that I had achieved my "Why". Because the situation I\'m in at the moment is I run my own online marketing business.\\n\\nI run a multitude of websites \\u2013 one of them being OnProperty, which you guys are listening to now. I\'m not financially free. However, I work for myself, I get to spend a lot of time with my family and I also have a platform to speak into people\'s lives. So, they\'re the 2 things that were important to me.\\n\\nBasically,'