Advice For a 21 Year Old Student Keen To Create Passive Income

Published: Nov. 16, 2017, 11 p.m.

b'ARVE Error: Mode: lazyload not available (ARVE Pro not active?), switching to normal mode\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n{"@context":"http:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/","@id":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/advice-21-year-old-student-keen-create-passive-income\\\\/#arve-youtube-zlgprjlifks659a0b2e08677910756827","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\\\\/\\\\/\\\\/embed\\\\/Zlgprjlifks?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nWhat advice do we have for a 21 year old student who is keen to start generating passive income already?\\n\\n[su_note note_color="#dcf0fc"]Ready to buy a property but you feel stuck and need some help moving forward?\\nClick here and get a free strategy session with Pumped on Property.[/su_note]\\n\\nRyan: Jack is asking what advice would you have a for a 21 year old student with still a few years of study but is already keen to start creating passive income?\\n\\nBen: You\'re probably better at this than me.\\n\\nRyan: I don\'t know if I should say what advice I would really have though, because I\'m ...\\n\\nBen: Don\'t tell him to leave uni.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah, that would be my advice. But it really depends what you\'re studying, like if you\'re studying to become a doctor or something, obviously, you have to go through uni. Basically if you\'re 21, if you\'re in uni, assuming you\'re not making much money, or you\'ve got some casual job in a caf\\xe9, the fact of the matter is, banks are not going to look favorable upon that. You need to assess can you even get a loan in any situation at all.\\n\\nThere may be certain situations where your parents may be willing to go guarantor for you, and you can get a loan there, but in a lot of situations you\'re not actually going to be able to get a loan. Yeah, you need to work that out.\\n\\nI think first thing would be to just speak to a mortgage broker and to work out if you can borrow anything. Chances are you probably can\'t, so when you know that, whoops, sorry. Going to the wrong screen. When you know that, then it\'s about, well, okay. What are some other ways that I can create passive income? Or should you be focusing on saving so that you can buy once you leave uni and get a job.\\n\\nBut for me, the biggest advice I would be would be to look for other ways to generate passive income. That could be through online businesses, it could be through starting your own side business. They\'re kind of my favorite ways. What would you say, Ben?\\n\\nBen: I think if you\'ve got your heart set on property, the two years before I finished uni was where I learnt most of the things, and then the year I finished and got an income I bought my first two properties, so as Ryan said, save as much as you can.\\n\\nUse this opportunity as a time to learn, so there\'s some awesome podcasts like the On Property one that Ryan runs. He\'s got 500 odd episodes and he\'s done some amazing stuff, especially for people getting started. There\'s The Property Couch, which is an awesome podcast. There\'s some really good YouTube channels like Ryan\'s, Nathan from Be Invested.\\n\\nHe\'s another buyer\'s agent that I think he produces some really good quality content as well. He\'s got a different approach to presenting it, which is kind of cool to get a different perspective. There\'s really good information out there. There\'s some really good books that you can pick up.\\n\\nI suppose the foundation that you need to build now to be able to build something meaningful in the future is based on education.\\n\\nIt\'s not so much making that money work for you now, it\'s just about getting yourself ready to so that in that first year you can pounce on the right investment property and hit the ground running and not save yourselves having to make all the mistakes that I sort of had to make, because I didn\'t spend as much time doing that stuff at the start, or at that time there wasn\'t as many of those awesome free resources out there.\\n\\nRyan: Yeah. That\'s actually a really good point is that even if you can\'t re...'