Three Dings

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 2:04 p.m.

This week’s story is about missing those little, annoying things of our beloved daily life. Jennifer describes a brief journey of a person who’s about to start a new day: waking up, going out from home, facing the world and of course taking public transport. Three dings is a love letter to Chicago's commuter trains.

Thank you for listening to Ochenta Stories, this story was written by Jennifer Billock is an award-winning writer, bestselling author, and editor; co-host of the Macabre Traveler Podcast; and editor of the Kitchen Witch Newsletter. Check out her website at, and follow her on Twitter @jenniferbillock and Instagram @jenniferjoanbillock.

Beth Buehlman, who voiced the French version of the story, is a Music and French Educator who loves Broadway, Brunch, and all things French. She also hosts a podcast for Music Educators. She can be found at

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