Africa Meets India premiers the Africa/India Concert Series (Pt.1) – Podcast 128

Published: Jan. 9, 2015, 2:32 a.m.

NYC Radio Live is collaborating with Brooklyn Raga Massive and Afro Roots Tuesdays to present a new monthly live event: The Africa/India Series at Art Cafe. It couldn't have gone better. The premier concert was last night,  with Afrika Meets India.   The line-up of Eric Fraser, bansuri; Kevin Nathaniel, mbira; Salieu Suso, kora; Giancarlo Luiggi, Hosho: Neel Murgai, sitar and Sameer Gupta, tabla.  I joined the band on the last song.  Despite being 10 degrees out, Art Cafe was packed and the band rewarded the audience with this great performance. The jam session with Kensuke Shoji, Michael Gam and Shivalik Ghoshal, was also stunning...that will be the next podcast. \ Brooklyn Raga Massive, an artist collective dedicated to the Indian Classical Musicians of Brooklyn, hosts weekly concerts followed by jam sessions every Wednesday at 8pm  at Art Cafe,  884 Pacific st at Underhill, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn Art Cafe is a bar and venue connected to The Village @ Gureje, an arts center and creative community that brings together artists, teachers and leaders from Brooklyn and beyond.