Nuclear Hotseat #65 - Dr. Janette Sherman/Joseph Mangano on 14,000 Post-Fukushima US deaths

Published: Sept. 12, 2012, 4:59 a.m.

Re-engineered interview of January 10 w/Dr. Janette Sherman and epidemiologist Joseph Mangano on their analysis of EPA and CDC death statistics post-Fukushima that point to 14,000 additional US deaths in the weeks after the nuclear disaster. A classic of information on radiation effects of Fukushima as well as Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. PLUS: Police kill anti-nuke protesters at Koodankulam in India, including a small girl; the fight is on to stop PG&E from exterminating CA sea life to justify keeping Diablo Canyon NPP chugging away atop its earthquake faults; TEPCO's Unit 4 lies countered by nuclear physicist Nils Bohmer and Arnie Gundersen; TEPCO alters unit 4 photo w/bad photoshop, then pulls it, then crops it, then admits to it... but won't say why; Japan feeding school children radioactive milk, oranges, apples - why? Because they're the government and they say so and anyone who doesn't believe them and eat the food is "chicken!" (the Mayor of Kawasaki City really said that!).