No Latency - Ep.50 Train Trouble

Published: Feb. 23, 2022, 8 a.m.

Huge thank you to everyone who has listened, FIFTY episodes is crazy and we couldn't have done it without you! THANK YOU CHOOMS!

\nThe Crew gear up at Clive's and get ready to get back on the train, with the threat of the whole Coast being destroyed it's wise to come prepared. The Crew still don't have much time, so they get done with Clive quickly and head towards the Train. With Arasaka reportedly on board, this might get a little spicy, hopefully the crew will pull through. Even so, this is just the beginning...


Will Jeb start rolling well now?
\nCan Stranger really fix a train?
\nHow many pills does Ioanna carry around?


Only the dice will tell.


A Cyberpunk adventure continues...


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