The "Untold" Story of Growing Brand Builders with Brady Cargle

Published: Aug. 31, 2020, 3:50 p.m.


Brand Builders has come a long way.

If you were familiar with Brand Builders 1 or 2 years ago, what you see today is drastically different. Today, I hop on a call with Brady Cargle, the manager of Brand Builders and talk about the evolution that Brand Builders has taken over the past 2 years and why it\\u2019s become a very interesting business. In full disclosure, I am now a part-owner of Brand Builders, but I\\u2019m not involved at all in the day to day operations (so don\\u2019t send me a customer support email :)). I\\u2019ll share the story of how I became a part-owner in Brand Builders and how they\\u2019ve truly risen from the ashes as a business.