NP 46: Why You Should NOT Build a Private Blog Network

Published: Sept. 25, 2014, 5:10 p.m.


Wow, apparently my article from earlier this week really rocked the boat!\\xa0 I made the firm stance that I will no longer be building private blog networks (PBNs), and it garnered A LOT of attention.


In fact, my article was mentioned on,, tweeted by Rand Fishkin, and even Matt Cutts tweeted about the news articles (that I was in).\\xa0 Then of course there have been plenty of other blog posts, online discussions, and overall a major buzz around the topic of PBNs getting deindexed and whether or not to use them going forward.\\xa0


The day of that blog post was the highest traffic day this site has ever had, and there are already over 400 comments on that blog post!\\xa0 To say the least, I\'ve hit a nerve that lots of people care about.


As a result, Perrin and I only felt like it was appropriate that we record a follow up podcast to dive a bit deeper into the risks vs. rewards of private blog networks.


As you can see from the podcast title, I still think you should NOT build a PBN.


Listen to the podcast for all my reasons why.
