NP 26: How Doug Cunnington Made Over $6,000 in 1 Month from his Small Niche Site

Published: Feb. 18, 2014, 5:22 p.m.


A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down and interviewing Doug Cunnington for the Niche Pursuits podcast.\\xa0 He\'s had some impressive results with one of his newer niche sites that I wanted to share.


Does the name Doug Cunnington sound familiar?\\xa0 You may recall hearing about Doug because I shared his success story just a few months ago!\\xa0 At that time he was earning over $1,000 per month from the site already, and he\'s come back to tell us how well its done since November.


Overall, Doug basically took the techniques that I\'ve shared from Niche Site Project 1 and Niche Site Project 2 and applied it to his own new sites.\\xa0 And of course, he has tweaked the process and strategies a bit to make them work well for him.


In fact, he\'s done so well, that his site earned over $6,000 in December alone!
