How Pat Flynn Makes $50k Per Month From His 2-Year-Old Pokemon YouTube Channel

Published: April 26, 2023, 12:43 p.m.


Have you ever wondered what it takes to create truly engaging content that keeps your audience coming back for more?

If so, you\'re in luck.

Because the hugely successful and inspiring online entrepreneur and founder of Smart Passive Income (SPI), Pat Flynn, is back on the Niche Pursuits podcast to share his valuable insights.

This time, it\'s all about YouTube and how to succeed on the platform.

Pat\'s a family man and joined his kids down a Pokemon Rabbit hole.

Eventually, his YouTube suggestions were monopolized by related content, and after reading through comments in the community, he discovered there was still untapped potential.

So he started his Pokemon-focused channel Deep Pocket Monster in January 2021 and, within a year, had 100k subscribers.

Fast forward to today, and his channel has well over 600k subs and has become his most profitable venture to date.

In today\'s interview, he dives into how he did it.

He provides tons of actionable advice on:

  • Why he chose the niche
  • The importance of community and connection in the age of AI
  • How to hook an audience at the beginning and end of a video
  • The 2-3 most important YouTube metrics to focus on
  • Whether you should focus on long-form or short-form content

And also deep dives into the power of story - and how it will always outshine production value.

He recommends keeping a close eye on performance after publishing and gives tips on when to try different thumbnails and titles for a second wind in the algorithm.

And Pat offers sage advice on what metrics really matter for your success.

Pat\'s phenomenal success as a YouTuber in the Pokemon space can be (at least partially) attributed to his deep understanding of YouTube\'s inner workings and his audience\'s desires.

His strategy of continually experimenting with video formats and analyzing data has paid off in spades. Even with a lean team behind his YouTube channel, he\'s managed to amass a loyal following and generate impressive profits.

And this is an excellent interview to inspire you to do the same.

Don\'t miss it!

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