How Dom Wells Of Onfolio Plans On Taking A Niche Site Portfolio Public

Published: June 16, 2021, noon


How would you like to own a portfolio of content sites that you eventually plan to take public?

Well, that's exactly what my guest Dom Wells from plans to do. He has a portfolio of sites that he's managing for clients and a portfolio of sites that Onfolio own themselves. These are sites that they've acquired and now manage. They plan to eventually scale that business and go public. In fact, in the next year, they plan to have a direct listing in the public markets.

In the podcast, we talk about Dom's history, how he started building content sites, how he started Human Proof Designs (a range of online business services) and eventually exited that business for a 7 figure sum, and what he's learned along the way about owning and managing a portfolio of websites.\\xa0

It's a really good story that I think you're going to enjoy. I ask him a lot of questions covering the gamut of online business.
