Next Best Series Podcast - Final Preview Of Game Of Thrones Season 7

Published: Nov. 23, 2016, 5 a.m.

b'Will Mavity and I are back with one final trailer breakdown and preview for "Game Of Thrones" Season 7, part of the podcast exclusive Next Best Series. In this podcast we discuss the second trailer and use it along with what we already know from the first trailer to predict what will happen in Season 7. We discuss Jon\'s journey beyond the Wall, the Field of Fire, what will happen to Jaime, how will the dragons factor into this season and much more.\\n\\nCheck out more on\\n\\nPlease subscribe on...\\n\\nSoundCloud - @negsbestfilmpodcast\\n\\niTunes Podcasts -\\u2026d1087678387?mt=2\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'