Prison Notebooks: Thinking (and Writing) about Incarceration

Published: July 21, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'I can point you to mountains of research about prisons. I can also recommend at least a dozen Netflix documentaries, and highlight a handful of radical activists and scholars. There\\u2019s a lot of intellectual work done\\xa0about prison.\\xa0But what about intellectual work done\\xa0in prison?\\nAs part of this week\\u2019s \\u201cideas in strange places\\u201d theme, we want to play you this episode from right near when we started Darts and Letters, where we ask what kind of radical thought can come from the extreme oppression prisoners endure.\\nWe\\u2019ll be back with brand new episodes on September 18th, until then we\\u2019re replaying the best of our catalogue with a different theme each week.\\nIn Prison Notebooks\\u2026\\n\\nFirst, in the opening essay, host\\xa0Gordon Katic\\xa0discusses the long history of radical prison writing.\\xa0From Thoreau to Gramsci, MLK, Oscar Wilde, Eugene Debs, Emma Goldman, and even Wittgenstein.\\n\\nNext (@5:36),\\xa0Chandra Bozelko\\xa0served 6 years, three months, and 11 days in a women\\u2019s prison in Connecticut. While inside, she started an award-winning newspaper column. She tells us what writing did for her while inside, and what everyday prison intellectualism really looks like.\\n\\nThen (@42:30),\\xa0Justin Pich\\xe9\\xa0edits one of the most amazing academic journals you will ever come across. It\\u2019s called the\\xa0Journal of Prisoners on Prisons. It has been around for over thirty years. In each and every edition, you will see brilliant scholarly work\\u2014it just so happens that this work is written by prisoners themselves.\\n\\n\\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014-SUPPORT THE SHOW\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014-\\nYou can support the show for free by following or subscribing on\\xa0Spotify,\\xa0Apple Podcasts, or whichever app you use. This is the best way to help us out and it costs nothing so we\\u2019d really appreciate you clicking that button.\\nIf you want to do a little more we would love if you chip in. You can find us on\\ Patrons get content early, and occasionally there\\u2019s bonus material on there too.\\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014-CONTACT US\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014-\\nTo stay up to date, follow us on\\xa0Twitter\\xa0and\\xa0Instagram. If you\\u2019d like to write us, email or tweet\\xa0Gordon\\xa0directly.\\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014-CREDITS\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014-\\nThis episode of Darts and Letters was produced by\\xa0Jay Cockburn. Research and support from\\xa0David Moscrop\\xa0and\\xa0Addye Susnick. Our theme song and music was created by\\xa0Mike Barber, and our graphic design was created by\\xa0Dakota Koop.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member!'