Lucy Series, "Deprivation of Liberty in the Shadows of the Institution" (Bristol UP, 2022)

Published: Oct. 24, 2022, 8 a.m.

b'Dr Lucy Series\\xa0Deprivations of Liberty in The Shadows of the Institution\\xa0(Bristol University Press, 2022) is one that I have long\\xa0been looking forward to reading, and it did not disappoint. Series provides a rich historical and socio-legal context to bring new understanding of the post-carceral era, and the legacies of the institutions which continue to shape the contemporary era of social care detention. She provides an in-depth analysis of the very odd\\xa0legal landscape that has been imported into the British care system, to draw out the specific logics, locus and temporality of a complex social problem, for which the legal solution has produced anomalous results. Her key concern goes beyond bringing new understanding\\xa0of the ways that individuals are regulated and controlled.\\xa0Crucially, Series\\xa0delves into what we should be aiming for.\\xa0\\nDr Lucy Series\\xa0is a lecturer in the school for policy studies at the University of Bristol. She also writes a fabulous blog,\\xa0The Small Places.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member!'