How To Use Your First Amendment Rights On Campus (and Off)

Published: Dec. 17, 2020, 9 a.m.

b'Welcome to The Academic Life. You are smart and capable, but you aren\\u2019t an island, and neither are we. So we reached across our mentor network to bring you podcasts on everything from how to finish that project, to how to take care of your beautiful mind. Wish we\\u2019d bring in an expert about something? Email us at\\\\xa0or\\ Find us on Twitter : The Academic Life @AcademicLifeNBN.\\nIn this episode you\\u2019ll hear: about the limits and the breadth of the first amendment, what to do when your free speech rights are violated, why having \\u201cfree speech zones\\u201d on campus doesn\\u2019t work, and what you can do when someone else\\u2019s free speech is hurtful or offensive.\\nOur guest is Will Creeley, legal director of The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.\\nWill began defending student and faculty rights for FIRE in 2006 after graduating from New York University School of Law, where he served as an associate executive editor for the New York University Law Review. He is a member of the First Amendment Lawyers Association and serves as Co-Chair of the Education Subcommittee of the American Bar Association\\u2019s Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice.\\nYour host is Dr. Christina Gessler, a historian of women, gender, and sexuality. She specializes in decoding diaries written by rural women in the 19th\\xa0century. She credits her ability to read nearly-illegible things to a childhood spent trying read her dad\\u2019s handwriting. Christina\\u2019s dad was a public defender; human rights and how to defend them was dinner table talk nightly.\\nListeners to this episode might be interested in:\\n\\n\\nFirst Things First: A Modern Coursebook on Free Speech Fundamentals, by Ronald K.L. Collins, Will Creeley, David L. Hudson Jr., and Jackie Farmer.\\n\\n"How to Respond to Richard Spencer," by Will Creeley,\\xa0The New York Times\\xa0(Oct. 19, 2017).\\n\\n\\nJim Crow Campus: Higher Education and the Struggle for a New Southern Social Order, by Joy Ann Williamson-Lott.\\n\\n"Fighting for Free Speech on America\\u2019s Campuses," by Cecilia Capuzzi Simon, The New York Times (Aug. 1, 2016).\\xa0\\n\\nFIRE\'s Tips for Student Activism\\n\\n\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit\\nSupport our show by becoming a premium member!'