#315 - 01-23-18 - Best of 2017: EPs

Published: Jan. 28, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

b'Show #315 - Best of 2017: EPs\\nRecorded live on January 23, 2018\\n\\nHere are some of my favorite EP releases from 2017.\\n\\n**Playlist**\\n1) Suriel - Lord of Shadows (Secret Sacrifice in the Lunar Eclipse)\\n2) Vanum - Immortal Will (Burning Arrow)\\n3) Ahzidal - Embittered Destroyer (Where the Shadows Lie)\\n4) Forteresse - Spectre de la R\\xe9bellion (R\\xe9cits Patriotiques)\\n5) Tuhonsiemen - Riivis\\xe4e (Ajaton, nimet\\xf6n, kasvoton)\\n6) Poison Blood - A Cracked and Desolate Sky (Poison Blood)\\n**talk**\\n7) Triumph, Genus - Jak je m\\xe9 oko syceno, tak st\\xe1le v\\xedce ost\\u0159en jest v n\\u011bm barvocit (Hladiny plynouc\\xedch, \\u017e\\xe1dn\\xfd z\\xedt\\u0159ek nen\\xed do v\\xe1s m\\xfdm tokem prom\\xedtnut)\\n8) Norn\\xedr - Above the Mountains (URD)\\n9) D\\xe9l\\xe9t\\xe8re - IV - Milites Pestilentiae II: De Violatione Ciuitatis Febilis Dei (Per Aspera Ad Pestilentiam)\\n10) Horns & Hooves - Unclean Beasts (Morbid Lust)\\n**talk**\\n11) Kwade Droes - Witte Duivel (Kwade Droes)\\n\\nOther EPs worth mentioning:\\nArs Magna Umbrae - Through Lunar Gateways\\nCult Of Eibon - Lycan Twilight Sorcery\\nEndalok - \\xdar Draumheimi Vi\\xf0urstygg\\xf0ar\\nGevlerkt - Vermolmd\\nIn Thoth - Albedo - The Ghost Choir\\n\\nLive every Tuesday at 9pm EST on BostonFreeRadio.com'