Negotiating with Humility: Insights from Negotiation Expert Ryan Edmiston

Published: Sept. 22, 2023, 9 a.m.

b"In today's episode, Ryan Edmiston shares his insights and experiences on the power of humility in negotiations and the value of interdisciplinary knowledge.\\n\\nRequest A Customized Workshop For Your Company:\\n\\nWelcome back to Negotiate Anything, the podcast where we delve into the art of skilled negotiation and conflict resolution. In today's episode, we have a special guest, Ryan Edmiston, who will share his insights and experiences on the power of humility in negotiations and the value of interdisciplinary knowledge. From his role as the president of Ohio State's New York City Alumni Club to his involvement in impactful programming and negotiation workshops, Ryan's expertise and unique perspective will offer listeners practical strategies for enhancing credibility, building rapport, and achieving successful outcomes. Join us as we explore the importance of humility, creative problem-solving, and the art of listening in negotiation. And stick around for our special announcement about an upcoming event that you won't want to miss. Let's dive in!\\n\\n\\nContact Ryan\\nemail:\\\\nFollow Ryan on LinkedIn:\\xa0\\n\\n\\nContact ANI\\nRequest A Customized Workshop For Your Company:\\nFollow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn:\\nThe Ultimate Negotiation Guide:\\nClick here to buy your copy of How To Have Difficult Conversations About Race!:\\nClick here to buy your copy of Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life!:"