Leadership Mastery in Real Estate: A Conversation with John Sebree

Published: Jan. 29, 2024, 10 a.m.

b"Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: https://www.americannegotiationinstitute.com/services/workshops/\\n\\n\\nIn this episode of Negotiate Anything, host Kwame Christian, Esq., M.A. engages in an insightful conversation with John Sebree, CEO of the California Association of Realtors, discussing the art of leadership in the real estate industry. From advocating for consumer-friendly laws to fostering economic impact, Sebree shares his democratic leadership philosophy and experiences that shaped his approach to leadership. With a focus on the future and the promising outlook for the real estate market in 2024, this master's class in leadership offers valuable insights for professionals and aspiring leaders in all industries.\\n\\n\\n\\nWhat will be covered:\\n- The unique challenges and multilayered aspects of leadership in the real estate industry\\n- The importance of authenticity and adaptability in leadership styles\\n- Predictions and insights for the future of the real estate market and the impact on leadership strategies\\n\\n\\nWhat listeners will learn:\\n- The significance of leading with compassion and authenticity in effective leadership\\n- The art of adaptive leadership and the impact of different leadership styles in various situations\\n- Insights into future trends and market predictions to inform strategic leadership decisions\\nSEO-friendly keywords: negotiation, leadership, real estate, adaptive leadership, market predictions, compassionate leadership\\n\\n\\nConnect with John\\xa0\\n\\nFollow John Sebree on LinkedIn:\\xa0https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnsebree/\\nhttps://www.missourirealtor.org/home\\n\\n\\nContact ANI\\nRequest A Customized Workshop For Your Company: https://www.americannegotiationinstitute.com/services/workshops/\\nFollow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kwamechristian/\\nThe Ultimate Negotiation Guide: https://www.americannegotiationinstitute.com/guides/ultimate-negotiation-guide/\\nClick here to buy your copy of How To Have Difficult Conversations About Race!: https://www.amazon.com/Have-Difficult-Conversations-About-Race/dp/1637741308/ref=pd_%5B%E2%80%A6%5Df0bc9774-7975-448b-bde1-094cab455adb&pd_rd_i=1637741308&psc=1\\nClick here to buy your copy of Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life!: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Confidence-Conflict-Negotiate-Anything/dp/0578413736/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PSW69L6ABTK&keywords=finding+confidence+in+conflict&qid=1667317257&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjQyIiwicXNhIjoiMC4xNCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMjMifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=finding+confidence+in+conflic%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1"