How to Build Trust and Understanding Through Emotional Intelligence with Daniel Stover, M.A.

Published: Oct. 17, 2018, 4 a.m.

b"In this episode, we discuss how to use emotional intelligence to build trust, understand ourselves, understand others, and ultimately improve our outcomes in difficult conversations.\\n\\nEmail Me About a Workshop for Your Company\\nDownload the Ultimate Negotiation Guide\\n\\nDan's Website\\n\\xa0\\nBook References:\\xa0\\n\\nMan's Search for Meaning\\nMindset\\nDaring Greatly\\n\\nKeywords: negotiation, negotiate, persuasion, influence, leadership, psychology, sales, compassionate curiosity, mindful, mindfulness, emotions, self awareness, emotional intelligence, career, interviews, informational interviews, job search, job readiness, networking, discounts, conflict, difficult people, psychology, emotion, emotions, argue, argument, debate, negotiation, negotiate, influence, persuasion, leadership, parenting, psychology, sociology, social dynamics, entrepreneurship, small business, salary, sales, law, lawyer, law school, mba, human resources, HR, talent management, talent development, nonprofit management, supply chain, procurement, sales, buyers, buying, procure, business negotiation, Chris Voss, Never split the difference, getting to yes, collaboration, negotiation genius, art of the deal, real estate negotiation"