How to Become an Ethical Influencer With Brian Ahearn, CPCU, CTM, CPT, CMCT

Published: May 20, 2022, 9 a.m.

b"In this episode, Brian Ahearn, ,\\U0001d5d6ialdini Certified Trainer, will reveal secrets that will propel you from ordinary to extraordinary when it comes to your ability to influence people.\\n\\nRequest a Custom Workshop For Your Company\\n\\nGet Free Access to Over 15 Negotiation Guides\\n\\nBuy The Book: The Influencer, Secrets to Success and Happiness\\n\\nInfluence People\\n\\nFollow Brian on LinkedIn\\n\\nFollow Kwame on LinkedIn\\n\\nIf you've been a listener of the show and you've gotten a lot out of our programming, you can click here to\\xa0Support Negotiate Anything.\\n\\nKwame Christian With Brian Ahearn."