Changing the Game: Understanding the Landscape of Name, Image, and Likeness Deals with Chimdi Chekwa

Published: Oct. 2, 2023, 9 a.m.

b'Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company:\\n\\nIn this episode of Negotiate Anything, join host Kwame Christian as he sits down with Chimdi Chekwa, former NFL player and entrepreneur, to discuss the world of name, image, and likeness (NIL) deals in college sports. With the recent shift allowing athletes to profit from their personal brand, Chimdi shares his insights on navigating these negotiations and capitalizing on new opportunities. From understanding the landscape of NIL deals to avoiding common mistakes, this episode provides valuable advice for athletes and professionals alike looking to master the art of negotiation in the sports industry.\\n\\nFollow Chimdi Chekwa on LinkedIn:\\n\\n\\nListeners will learn:\\n1. The basics of NIL deals and how they have transformed the opportunities for college athletes.\\n2. The importance of understanding the new landscape and navigating negotiations effectively.\\n3. Practical strategies for maximizing value and leveraging personal brand in NIL negotiations.\\n\\n\\nContact ANI\\nRequest A Customized Workshop For Your Company:\\nFollow Kwame Christian on LinkedIn:\\nThe Ultimate Negotiation Guide:\\nClick here to buy your copy of How To Have Difficult Conversations About Race!:\\nClick here to buy your copy of Finding Confidence in Conflict: How to Negotiate Anything and Live Your Best Life!:'