Toe Tag: Echo from a Bayou

Published: Sept. 29, 2023, 5:30 p.m.


Welcome to Mysteries to Die For and this Toe Tag.

I am TG Wolff and am here with Jack, my piano player and producer. This is normally a podcast where we combine storytelling with original music to put you at the heart of mystery, murder, and mayhem. Today is a bonus episode we call a Toe Tag. It is the first chapter from a fresh release in the mystery, crime, and thriller genre.

Today\\u2019s featured release is Echo from a Bayou by J Luke Bennecke

Echo from a Bayou was released from Jaytech Publishing and is promoted by Partners In Crime Tours and is available from AMAZON LINK and other book retailers.

About J Luke Bennecke

J. Luke Bennecke, a master civil engineer, became an award-winning author, philanthropist, and daredevil pilot amidst the concrete jungles of Southern California. While constructing bridges and highways, Bennecke secretly plotted high-octane thrillers that became instant bestsellers. But his adventures didn\'t end there. As a licensed real estate broker and general contractor, he built homes with the precision of a ninja, all while jetting off to exotic destinations, voiceover acting, and giving back to the community via annual high school scholarships. Living in the shadows of Cherry Valley, CA, Bennecke\'s next daring escapade is always just around the corner.

TG Wolff Review

Echo from a Bayou is a paranormal suspense. John Bastian went head-first into a tree. He woke from a coma and, yeah, he could see dead people. Even weirder, John woke with memories of a war he never fought in, a career he never had, and a wife he never kissed. Flashes hinted at map leading to treasure and an ax leading to death of the man who John was\\u2026Jack Bachman. Now John is on the hunt for the treasure, his murderer, and the woman he left behind.

Bottom line: Echo from a Bayou is for you if you like your suspense steeped in the supernatural, paced to draw out the good stuff and finishing with one of the best, eerie endings you\\u2019ve ever seen.

Strengths of the story. From the start, the premise of the story grabs you. This isn\\u2019t a typical time travel type of story but a well-reasoned reincarnation story. This not only is a unique spin on the supernatural genre but eliminates all the problems of logic stability that is inherent in time travel.

The characters are also a winner. John / Jack is an ordinary man, put in extraordinary circumstances. He doesn\\u2019t flip a switch and go into hero mode but his slowly driven there by memories and urges his rational mind has to justify. The best friend, Kevin, is an excellent comic relief. The bad guy, Scott, is complex. Just because he\\u2019s evil doesn\\u2019t mean he\\u2019s always an asshole.

The pacing matches the expectation set with being suspense. Certainly, some scene hit the thrill level, but, overall, this is one you sit back and enjoy\\u2026until you have to read faster because the shit is hitting the fan.

Where the story fell short of ideal: Having finished this book several days ago and revisited the plot, this is a really solid suspense. There is very little to pick on here. If you like thriller-like pacing, you may find this a bit slow, but again, this is true to the suspense genre.

While I totally loved the end, I did have one question for the author on why/how it happened that way. Regardless of his answer, this is at the top of my list for cool ways to finish a book.
