S7E7 Death of a Dungeon Master

Published: April 12, 2024, 5:30 p.m.


Welcome to Mysteries to Die For.

I am TG Wolff and am here with Jack, my piano player and producer. This is a podcast where we combine storytelling with original music to put you in the heart of a mystery. All stories are structured to challenge you to beat the detective to the solution. These are arrangements, which means instead of word-for-word readings, you get a performance meant to be heard. Jack and I perform these live, front to back, no breaks, no fakes, no retakes.

This is Season 7, Games People Play. Games are about competition conducted according to rules with participants working toward a goal. Games are a part of every culture and are one of the oldest forms of social interaction and engagement. Games can be fun, challenging and exhilarating. They can also be intense, cutthroat, and lethal. This season, our authors have fashioned deadly games and unscrupulous villains to test your detection skills.

This is Episode 7, Dungeons and Dragons is the featured game. This is Death of a Dungeon Master by Erica Obey


Erica\\u2019s currently hard at work on THE DECOVERLEY RIDDLE, the sequel to THE BROOKLYN NORTH MURDER In the meantime, why not check out another Watson & Doyle adventure, \\u201cDead Man\\u2019s Switch,\\u201d in Mysteries to Die For Season 6: Move it or Lose It?


The fates were not smiling upon Darrell \\u201cThe Dungeonator\\u201d Mahoney this day. But good fortune shines upon him with the sharp wits of Watson, Doyle, Mack Byrne and us. Here are the characters we have met, in order of introduction.

\\u2022\\tGorgo Manglebit, the gnome who was more interested in ratings than Darrell

\\u2022\\tAlidor Silverleaf, the elf who likewise was in it for the viewers

\\u2022\\tTyrion Quickster, the halfling who was out $5,000 for designing his avatar

\\u2022\\tTrixie the Mage Trainee, who was getting harassed for her deal with the pet gem start-up

\\u2022\\tTim the Enchanter, the head of the IT Lab who is rumored to be a hacker in his spare time

\\u2022\\tPercy \\u201cCatstaff\\u201d Giles, the professor of poetry and reportedly powerful bard

Here is what we know:

\\u2022\\tMary Watson and Doyle were called to the auditorium by an alert indicating an IT issue at the D&D event. Tim had set up and was digitally running the event and reported the system crash was caused by too many people signing on simultaneously.

\\u2022\\tDarrell was reading the introduction to the dungeon when Catstaff Zoom-bombed the event, challenging Darrell to a riddle off.

\\u2022\\tDarrell was angry and responded by attempting to unplug the power to the virtual audience. The cord he grabbed was stripped to the wires. He died on the stage by electrocution, not by mocking as the audience really did believe.

\\u2022\\tTim testified that The Dungeonator and Catstaff were bitter rivals. The 176 videos supported his story.

\\u2022\\tPercy \\u201cCatstaff\\u201d Giles testified he had moved past the rivalry and hadn\\u2019t interacted with The Dungeonator in over two years. He denied Zoom-bombing Darrell and killing him by any method.

\\u2022\\tThe gnome, elf, halfling, and mage trainee were sitting at the table on stage during the event. All had reason to be upset with Darrell.

\\u2022\\tThe video of Darrell\\u2019s death had a backdoor to a virtual world where some character had been taking bets on the outcome of the D&D game.

Byrne doesn\\u2019t have bard dread, but he does have handcuffs. On whom should he use them?


A reminder to mystery readers, check out our print and e-books. The companion book for Season 4, 5 and 6 are available in e-book and trade paperback from online retailers. This season\\u2019s book is being released in two parts. Part one released in March 2024 and Part two in September. Buy one for you and one for a mystery lover you love. The dimes and quarters from books sales do support the podcast and keep Jack in tacos and headphones.