Natural Causes

Published: June 25, 2021, 5:30 p.m.


Welcome to Mysteries to Die For.

\\tI am Shannon Leahy and am here with Jack, the piano player and producer. This is a podcast where we combine storytelling with original music to put you at the heart of mystery, murder, and mayhem. Some episodes will be my own stories, others will be classics that helped shape the mystery genre we know today. These are arrangements, which means instead of word-for-word readings, you get a performance meant to be heard. Jack and I perform these live, front to back, no breaks, no fakes, no retakes (unless it\'s really bad). This episode will be read by me, Shannon Leahy, 

\\t This is Season 2.  This season contains adaptations of stories published in the 1800s. These stories are some of the first considered to be mysteries. For that reason, this season is called The Originators.

\\t Today\\u2019s story is about perceptions and realities. This is the Episode 11 Natural Causes, an adaptation of The Notting Hill Mystery by Charles Felix.

\\tShannon: This story contains several settings but the only one specifically named is the one in the original title, Notting Hill. Notting Hill is a neighborhood in London that is trendy and fashionable with a distinctive, small-village feel, according to TripAdvisor. It is famous for its market where vendors sell everything from fruit and veggies to antiques. This area is also a center for entertainment with several theatres for live shows and cinemas. The area has nearly 2,900 reviews with a rating of 4.5 and is ranked #142 of 2,359 things to do in London. Not too shabby. While only 11 miles from the Greenwich Observatory and the prime meridian, it will take about 45 minutes to drive there. That\\u2019s how you know you\\u2019re in a big city. Here in our corner of Indiana, 11 miles takes you 20 minutes, if your route has traffic lights.

\\t The Notting Hill Mystery was written by Charles Felix and released in an 8-part serial in magazine called Once a Week beginning in November 1862. It was released as a novel in 1865. On Goodreads, The Notting Hill Mystery has 605 ratings with an average of 3.21.

Let\\u2019s take a look at a few reviews\\u2026

\\tHere\\u2019s a 4-star rating: Good grief -- this book might possibly win the award for most convoluted murder mystery I\'ve ever read, but it\'s definitely and seriously fun. It\'s definitely got a thin plot, but it rates high on my enjoyment-o-meter because of its diabolical craziness and downright crazy story elements.

\\tHere\'s a 3 star rating: A good example of procedural investigation presented to the reader in epistolary style. The language was typically wordy and appropriate to the Victorian era it is set in. While much of the story was quite repetitive - gather statements, compare, report evidence - this is how a case is built, and even though the culprit was reasonably clear from the beginning, I did enjoy reading The Notting Hill Mystery. [epistolary: adj, a literary work in the form of letters)]

\\tHere\'s a 1 star: "A tough read" I can appreciate the work needed to construct a book like this, but it\'s not a riveting read when you have to unscramble the Victorian script. In fact, I\'m not even sure it was a story, just a series of statements tacked together. Not my cup of tea. 

\\tIt\'s funny when you can read several reviews with totally different ratings and agree with them all. Jack, tell us a little about our author of the day.

\\tJack: The Notting Hill Mystery was written by Charles Felix\\u2026or was it? This story and another called Velvet Lawn were credited to Charles Felix and published by Sanders, Otley, & Company. A 1864 column of The Manchester Times put it out there that Charles Felix was actually Charles Warren Adams. Adams was the attorney for the publishing house and eventually took over management when Sanders and Otley died. Adams never admitted to being Charles Felix, at least not publically. His wife and...'