There are no Hairy Gorillas in Louisiana! - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 56

Published: July 30, 2022, 1 a.m.

Tonight\u2019s 1st guest started having Bigfoot-related experiences, around his home and property, in 1992. The 1st experiences consisted of tree knocks that he\u2019d hear while he was out hunting and sometimes, he\u2019d hear the knocks late at night, while he was in his home. That progressed to hearing something smack the side of his house, late at night. He did have any idea what or who was doing that. He just wanted whoever or whatever it was to stop doing that. After that, a pine tree, with a 7-inch trunk, that stood next to his house, was pushed over, onto his house. Not long after that, he heard what sounded like someone who was wearing over-sized shoes running by his home, late 1 night. The activity on and around his property continued and then, 1 day, he finally had his 1st sighting.

Tonight\u2019s 2nd guest had his Bigfoot sighting in Southern Louisiana, in 1967. He was a kid back then and had gone on a picnic, with his family, the day he saw that Sasquatch. His father was a hardened Cajun man who didn\u2019t tolerate foolishness or misbehavior from his children. The day when his sighting happened, he had been trying to obide by his father\u2019s rule that he was never to go anywhere that would make it so his father couldn\u2019t see him. As his family relaxed, in a clearing, he decided to walk down a path that lead straight away from where his father was sitting, being careful not to leave his father\u2019s line of sight. After walking some distance down the trail, he came to a place where it turned, sharply, to the right. When he reached that turn, in the trail, he stopped and thought about continuing on. His better judgement prevailed, however, so he decided to turn around and head back and when he did, he realized that he wasn\u2019t alone, in the woods, that day, the way he thought he was. He had company!

If you\u2019ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to and let us know. We\u2019d love to hear from you.

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Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

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Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio

Dogman Encounters

My Paranormal Experience

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