Why You Need a Financial Planner and No, You Dont Need To Be Rich To Have One!

Published: April 4, 2024, 7 a.m.

b"A financial planner is like a money coach that can help you meet your money goals. Let's be honest: we all could use that. Historically, financial planners have gotten a bad rap as inaccessible to the 99% and just plain intimidating\\u2014 but, it doesn\\u2019t have to be that way. Today, Nicole will prove it. Nicole calls up Brent Weiss, a CFP\\xae-certified financial planner and Head of Financial Wellness at Facet\\u2014 a financial planning company that is truly changing the game. Nicole and Brent do a little client-financial planner role play to make your first conversation with a financial planner easier. Then, they dig into which questions you should ask a financial planner to make sure they're legit, what goals you should set, and how to measure success.\\n\\nClaim Facet\\u2019s offer for Money Rehabbers, and the list of questions Brent recommends you ask a prospective financial planner here:\\xa0https://facet.com/moneyrehab"